The best way to distribute problem fixing patches is with the use of software patch management software. These programs are able to update multiple computer at one time across one or several networks. Third party software providers are always fixing problems with their product. It has become a fact of life to expect there to be something wrong with a software. Some of these problems are openings into your network that can be exploited. Patching those holes is very important to security.
Trying to perform a patch on every terminal in your company manually is a lengthy, time consuming process. It is also completely unnecessary and problematic. Instead of having an IT staffer waste another employees time by taking up the computer, the IT tech can automate the process with a program.
Another problem with manual installation of patches is that some require human interaction to respond. The worker who is having their computer serviced has to wait as the IT technician waits on the patch prompts. This can all be done through scripting. Any prompts that the patch may ask for can be responded to without interaction. This way, two people are not wasting their time.
There are many different software to choose from. Selection will depend upon your business needs and company size. Choosing the one that has the most features is not necessarily the best move. However, selecting the program that allows for the most customizing to suit your needs would be beneficial. Not patching up software leaves your computer and networks vulnerable to viruses. It is also a very common way that hackers are able to steal information. All this can be easily avoided by this software.
Companies have been disabled or completely shutdown for days because of hackers manipulating security loopholes created by not patched computers. The hackers are able to gain full control of one computer that is not entirely protected and then use it to tie up bandwidth for their own purposes. They are then also able to install viruses and worms on your network.
By installing this type of program, all those fears can be put aside. Not only does it fix any errors in programs with patches and updates, it does so without having to spend the man power. It also keeps track of all the information for you, in a tidy report that is generated however often you program it to. If you only want to run patches once a month, it can be programmed to do so. If you want it run every day, that is not a problem either.
The software patch management programs on the market make it easy to keep up with the countless patches for all the market software. Your workers will not even have to see the patch taking place except in a few occasions where the computer will need to be rebooted. Your IT staff as well as your office workers will appreciate being able to go about their daily duties uninterrupted by annoying software maintenance. This will increase your productivity as well as the moral of the office and your IT department. Anything that can make a tedious job faster and less intrusive is good for the company.
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